Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Engine will not start when hot, arinet, honda engine
QuestionI have a five horsepower Honda engine on an Excell model 2625 pressure
washer that is fairly new (a 2006 model) but I bought it refurbished with no
warranty. The engine starts fine when cold, but if I stop the engine after it gets
hot, the engine will refuse to start until it gets cool again (usually after a half
hour or so). Any suggestions?
AnswerHello Gene:
Run then Engine as Usual. When it Gets Hot and Will Not Start, then Check for Fire at the Plug. If No Fire, then, Disconnect the Shut Off Wire from the Control Bracket First, Check for Fire at the Plug. If Still No Fire at the Plug; Then Disconnect the Shut Off Wire at the Coil and Check for Fire at the Plug. If No Fire at the Plug , then the Coil/Ign Module is Bad. The Coil/Ign Module to Flywheel Gap is .020in. If the Plug Fires at Anytime During these 2 Checks, then a Safety Switch, the Shut Off Switch or the Shut Off Wire May be the Problem. From your Description, it Sounds like the Coil/Ign Module/Magneto is Heatiing Up and Grounding; which Stops the Coil/Ign Module/Magneto from Firing the Plug Until the Coil/Ign Module/Magneto Cools. Then the Plug will Fire Again. You can View a Breakdown/IPL of the Mower at this Site Addy, and Select the Catalog American Honda. Then Select Engine. Then Select the Model Engine on your Washer. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck