Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Mower 46901X92A, correct model number, select shop
QuestionJohn, Would you know where on the internet I could find a wiring diagram for this particular mower. It looks like a Murray but it may be another brand made by the same people.
AnswerHello Mel:
Is it Possible that the Model Numbers are 46901X192A? I have No Fiche for this Model Mower and Could Not Locate a Breakdown at Any of the Online Sites. This should be a 1996 Year Model Mower. If 46901X192A is the Correct Model Number, then Go to this Site Addy, and Select Shop Online Parts Look Up. Then Select the Model Tab. Then Select the OEM (Murray) and Enter the Model Numbers (46901X192A). Then Double Click on your Model in the Results Area. Then Select the Section of the Mower you Wish to View. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck