Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): husqvarna yth180 riding mower, chipped paint, enough space

clutch spring broke,,got new one,,,,1/2 spring was attached to the arm...n the other part of the spring attaches to somewhere???i'm assuming to frame somewhere?????thats the question????

Clean the mower really well and then look at the holes in the frame.  Look for chipped paint around the holes of even a wore spot to identify where the spring connects.  It may also connect to a bolt that is has just enough space to connect the springs.

This site contains the parts drawing but it really doesn't show exactly where the spring connects.

Look of wear spots on the frame and you should be able to find where the spring connects.
Let me know if you can't find it and I will see if we have a manual that shows where the spring connects.