Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Murray wont run after warms up, safety switches, rubber tip

Hi, I have a Murray with a 13.5 single cyl Briggs, Model 21B807, Type 0239 with a Nikki carb, about 18 mos old with light homeowner use.
All of a sudden it stalled like it was out of gas.  I checked and had half tank and fuel runs freely out of hose to carb.  Would start on hot choke and then run for about 15-30 seconds and die again.  If leave alone for 20 min will start the cycle all over again.  Starts right up when cold, but then dies as said above.

I checked the fuel solenoid and it was ok--I even pulled the rubber tip off the plunger so it couldn't close the main jet port.  New plug, new fuel filter and new air filter make no difference.  I bought a carb kit ($23), and it ran a little better for 36 min then went back to old die routine.  Encouraged, I bought a new carb ($69), and it ran a little better for 20 min then won't run at all.  Also tried fresh gas.

I just ordered a magneto and a flywheel puller, thinking its electrical that shorts when hot.

I don't see any points or condensor, what else is there?

What am I missing?

There are no points so there is no need to pull the flywheel.  The coil could casue this problem so since you have ordered one you will soon find out if that is the problem.

If a new coil does not solve the problem there are a couple of other items that can cause the symptoms.  1) A bad fuel cap or 2) valves.

I have had safety switches cause this problem but it is very rare.

Let me know if the new coil fixes the problem.