Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Fly Wheel for MTD 700 Rider, brigs and stratton, bearing puller

QUESTION: I have a MTD 700 series rider and I'm having trouble removing the flywheel, I understand that a steering wheel puller should do the trick but there is a part that is pressure fitted in to the flywheel that doesn't allow me to access the wholes.   any help would be appreciated. Thanx

ANSWER: Hello Mike:

For these Type of Flywheels I Use a Bearing Puller with Special Arms that Slip Under the Outer Edge of the Flywheel. I have Also Used a Pry Bar and a Hammer. Apply Pressure to the Thickest Section of the Flywheel and Block. Hit the Crankshaft with a Brass Shop Hammer. Move the Pry Bar or Flywheel to Another Position and Repeat Until the Flywheel Pops Up. I Do Not Like Using the Pry Bar Method, but Sometimes it is All that Works. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello John
I bought a bearing puller that fits around the fly wheel, i set it up and tightened it down but she wouldn't budge so i moved it around the wheel a few times and still nothing.
from there i tried the pry bar and hammer yet still nothing. so i figure try both methods at the same time and .... no go, so now i sit here with a mushroomed shaft that i had to grind down so the cover fit back over it and I'm wondering, is there anything els you might recommend or maybe a little more detail response to my original question in case i misunderstood something.   b.t.w it appears to be an older brigs and Stratton engine(the sticker is pretty worn and pealed though)

Thanx again


Hello Again Mike:

I have Removed Flywheels All 3 Ways I Described and Never had a Mushroomed Crankshaft. If you have Removed the Flywheel Nut and and Applied Pressure to the Puller and Hit the Puller with a Hammer and Jar the Flywheel, the Flywheel should Pop Up and then be Lifted Off the Engine.  Even with a Pry Bar and Hammer it Only Takes 2 or 3 Hits of the Hammer to Loosen the Flywheel from the Crankshaft. Look for the Model Numbers Stamped Into the Blower Housing Above the Spark Plug. I will Ask in the Shop to See if Anyone has Had this Problem of the Flywheel Removal Lately. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck



Hello Again Mike:

Thanks for the Good Words. I Appologize for the Flywheel Nut Mistake. I Reviewed the File for Flywheel Removal and Modified it. I Honestly Do Not Know How that Fact Got Left Out of the Instructions. Thanks for Bringing it to my Attention. Till Next Time. May All Your Mechanical Problems be SMALL ONES and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks Again.

Best Wishes and Good Luck

