Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Scotts L17.542, wiring diagram or ignition switch availability, hp motor, paper tag
QuestionI recently purchased a used Scotts riding mower with a Kohler 17 hp motor, 42 in cut, says it has cruise control. Mower Serial number paper tag is history so unless it is stamped somewhere on the frame I can't find a SN. Diagrams from what I can find says it should be the L17.542. It is missing the ignition switch, any idea if they are available, is so where, if not, how about a wiring diagram so I can put an universal ignition switch in its place. Thanks for your time.
AnswerYou need a # GY20074. List price 10.99.
Screw the universal crap. Universal is a secret code word that means junk.
Go to your locale Deere dealer and by the switch.
FYI... Deere is a huge player in the power equipment industry. Because of there size their OEM parts are cheaper than the aftermarket replacements. If you don't have a local dealer go to and I can sell you one.