Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Bolens H14XL with Tecumseh OH140 - wont start, horizontal shaft, bolens tractor
I have a Bolens tractor model H14XL with a Tecumseh OH140 14HP horizontal shaft engine. The problem I am having is when it has been sitting for a week or so it cranks continously for a couple of minutes until it fires and starts. It will start and run easily all day from there on. I have already done a starter motor and don't want to kill this new one. I have adjusted the choke to ensure it is 100% closing in the on position. There is a fuel filter and fuel tap inline and a fuel pump?? supposedly which I have no idea about and can find little info on. It is a little rectangular slab connected to the carby. If I pour fuel in the spark plug hole and replace the plug it fires immediately leading me to believe it is not a spark problem at start up either.
Any help will be appreciated
Well at least we know the fuel pump is getting fuel to the bowl.I would suspect the carburetor needs cleaning or rebuilt,your fuel is not getting up to the carb when the low idle jet calls for it. Take the bowl off and see if there is any debris in the bowl if so I would clean the carb