QuestionQUESTION: My 5 year old rider (10hp) seems to have some type of differential seizure. It acts just like the brake is on but it's not nor is it binding. The rear wheels will rotate in opposite direction when you stand it up on the rear props but you can't even push it around as the rear wheels will lock in just a few feet whether your roll it or start it in and try to go. Ideas??
ANSWER: What model do you have? Do the axles look wore?
Let me know.
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QUESTION: Model #M281019BE. Since this is the only Snapper rider I've ever owned (always used cheap Murrays and Craftsman-never a problem...) I really don't know if the axles are worn - they look normal to me. Thanks!!
ANSWER: Is the friction disc or clutch cable broke?
Under the rear end of your mower you will find a large aluminum disk attached to the engine shaft.
You will also find a large 5 or 6 inch rubber pulley that is pressed up against the larger pulley mounted to the engine. The engine pulley is turned by the engine and in turn it turns the smaller rubber pulley which is attached to the transmission.
Will the engine running will the mower move?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: No, it acts just like the brake is on. I initially thought the brake had somehow stuck but it isn't. Thanks!!
AnswerAny luck with your problem?