Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Sentry Rototiller, rototiller, bridgers

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Bridgers: I am trying to configure belts on a 1975 Sentry rototiller it is equipped with a 3.5 hp B&S engine. I do not have the manual it is a model 200-D.  I'm not sure if the belt in the tiller is the correct belt, although I am assuming it is. After running the tiller a few minutes the belt starts to smoke and when in neutral the tines keep turning. Either I have the belt wrong or it is too small??  Do you happen to have a manual or know where I can get one?  If not would a picture help? The engine has one pulley and there are two main pulleys towards the front of the tiller with various other pulleys and tensioners. I know this is vague I can give you more detail if needed.  Thank you.

If you can Post Some Pictures Online for me to View, that Would be Helpfull. I am Unable to Locate this Model in the Murray Manuals for 1973 through 1977. Are there Any Other Numbers on the Tiller? Thanks.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the prompt response.  The model # number is actually 200-5 B.  I can't seem to post a picture how do I send attachements?  Thank you again.  

Hello Again CJ:

All Experts is in the Process of Setting Up a Way for the Experts Here to Send and Receive Attachments, Pictures and Ect. They Haven't Completed the Program as Of Yet. I have had Questioners Send me Addys of Pictures they Posted for me to View Online. I'm Not Sure How they Did this. I'm Not Really Computer savvy. From the Description you Gave Earlier, it Sounds like the Belt is To Short. Send your Pictures to [email protected]. I Use this Addy to Receive Pictures and Attachments ONLY. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let Me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck

