Question"Hi, I'm looking for the bolt torque specification for a John Deere 110 Tractor. I know this tractor is old, but my boyfriend had it running and just blew the head gasket. He needs to know what to set the bolt torque at. It's a 8 horse power engine. Thanks so much!"
AnswerThe torque on this head is absolutely non-critical,
But if it's a Kohler go 25 foot pounds if it's a Tecumseh go to 20 foot pounds.
In my shop I go as tight as I can with a normal 3/8 ratchet. That's a lie actually I shoot the bolts in with my 3/8 impact and don't worry about it. NON-CRITICAL. I haven't torqued a Kohler head bolt in ten years. I have probably rebuilt 50 of these engines and replace 100 head gaskets.
If you want the gospel on 110 Deere's go here. This man is THE MAN
But I'll tell you now. I taught him everything he knows' but not everything I KNOW.
It's a fun sight check Don out. Sign in and tell him Paul Clouse "The Truthmeiser" sent you.