Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 25 HP B&S Smoking, breather vent, briggs and stratton


I have a Scotts L2548, Briggs & Stratton 25 HP, Model 445777, Type 0134-E1 that is exhausting a significant amount of white (bluish tint) smoke with and without the blade engaged.  The amount of smoke seems to be more when the blades are not engaged and the RPMs are low.  The mower is 3 years old and has been in operation for only 105 hours.  I ran the mower about an hour yesterday and it used about 1/3 quart of oil (just after an oil change the day before).  The oil filter and air filter have been changed regularly.  Nevertheless, the air intake port is quite dirty.  In reading answers to some previously posted questions regarding similar problems, I am thinking it could be the head gasket(s).  Based on your experience, what steps would you take in trying to solve the problem?


Hello Phil:

From your Description, I Suggest you Check the Crankcase Breather/Vent First. The Dirty Intake Indicates the Crankcase Vent is Sticking. Then Check the Compression on Each Cylinder. If the Crankcase Breather/Vent is Working Properly, then A Head Gasket May be the Problem. You can View a Breakdown/IPL of the Engine at this Site Addy, and Select the B. Then Select Briggs and Stratton. Then Select Don't have Part Numbers. Then Select the File #44.  Then Select the Folder #445700. The Crankcase Breather/Vent is Shown on Page 2 of 12. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let Me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck

