Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Walbro carb, compression gauge, walbro carburetor

Hi Jodn,
Here is the last answer you gave me for the Walbro LMT46 carb:

"The Towers are as you Described Except for the Last One. It is the Gas Pickup for the Idle Jet. Don't Worry about the Part #147. It is for a Different Walbro Carburetor. The Carburetor Kits Usually cover 3 or 4 Carburetors in 1 Kit. Are you Soaking the Carburetor Overnight in Carburetor Cleaner? Have you Checked the Engine Compression? If the Intake Gasket is Not Ripped or Torn it Should Work Fine."

Yes I soaked the carb in straight Gumout overnight. My question are these:

1. You said the "last tower" is the fuel pickup for the idle jet. Should I be able to blow through it? I can't and am wondering if this is the problem.

2. What should the compression be for this engine? (Briggs 13hp)

3. Is there an easy way to test it without a compression tester?

Thank you so much for all the help!

Hello Daniel:

If I'm Remembering you last Post to me Correctly, This should be Open to Allow the Idle Orifice to get gas During the Engine Operation. The Compression can be Checked without a Compression Gauge if it is a Easy Start Engine. Turn the Engine Quickly in a "Reverse Rotation from Normal Operation Rotation. If the Engine Kicks Back; then According to the OEM the Compression is Good. You Can Not use a Compression Gauge Unless you Loosen the Valve Clearance. This is a Procedure for the Professionals. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let Me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck

