Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): OHV130 Carb Adjustment, mixture adjustments, carb adjustments

I have a Tecumseh 13hp OHV130 206822c engine on my riding lawnmower.  I just replaced the carb on it with a new one because of some trouble with it back firing.  It is now running good, accept when I put any kind of load on the engine, Engaging the blade, or putting the engine in gear, it wants to die out.  If I do keep it running, it will not come up to power as it should.  It is like has too much of a load on it for the engine to handle.  I figure it has something with the carb adjustments, But I can not find any mixture adjustments.  I don't think this carb has any.  So how do I adjust it?  
I have tried manually adjusting the choke while it blade was engaged and it seems to help.  I have to almost close the choke all the way to get the engine to keep running.  It seems like it is starving for fuel.  I would also like to adjust the high speed setting to give it a little more power, but there doesn't seem to be an adjustment for it either.  Can you help?

Hello Kevin:

Have you Checked the Valve Clearance? Have you Check the Engine Compression? This is a Non-Adjustable Carburetor. The Symptoms you Described are Characteristic of the Valves Requiring Adjustment or Low Compression. The Valve Clearance is the Gap Between the Rocker Arm and the Valve Stem. The Clearances are Intake .002in - .004in and the Exhaust .008in - .010in and are Set with the Engine at TDC. Since you have a Tecumseh Engine, I have 2 Site Adys you Might Find Useful. These Sites are PDf. 1- and 2- Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck

