Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): starter cord is hard to pull, proper manuals, compression stroke
QuestionI have a 3 year old toro with a 6.5hp tecumseh engine. every season I change the oil and check the air filter and spark plug / replace as needed. This season I changed the oil and now am having some problems starting. with the cord is pulled it seems to be a lot harder then it used to be. When the engine gets close to starting sometimes the cord will be ripped from my hand very rapidly. I gave it another try the other day and got it to run on the first or second pull but still with much more effort in certain spots in the pull. While it was running and i go to stop the engine by letting up the lever the engine doesnt finish its cycle like usual. It stops hard and the very insatant that I let go. what could this be?? Its been soo long since ive used this mover ( last season) i dont remember if i have and other problems be for I put it awy for the winter. If you could point me in any direction that would be great. Thanks for your time , Jim
Answer Hello Jim:
From your Description it Sounds like the Flywheel Key May be Damaged or the Valves Need Adjusting. The Hard to Pull Through CERTAIN SPOTS of the Engine Rotation is an Indicator of these 2 Causes for your Problem. A Damaged Flywheel Key Causes the Plug to Fire at the Wrong Time in the Compression Stroke and this Makes the Engine Hard to Pull At Certain Points of the Engine Rotation. It Also Causes the Kick that Snatches the Starter from your Hand. If the Valves are Out of Adjustment, the Compression Release Doesn't Work and the Same Problem will Occur. Send me the Model Numbers Off the Engine, Please. With these I can Locate the Proper Manuals and Better Assist you. Here is a Site Addy that May Assist you. ****
Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck