Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Briggs and Stratton, jay poole, briggs and stratton
QuestionI think i already know the answer to this question. im looking to replace my 5hp b&s engine with a honda. my model numer is 133412, type 1070. i was able to find a website that tells me that they can match my model number, but not the type. is the type number of any real important value. I know that it pertains information about mechanical parts, but im not sure which mechanical parts. would that have any effect on the taper on the crank shaft, or internal thread, or even length specifacations. that website is
Answer Hello Mark:
The Crankshaft Number of your Mower is B&S # 494035. The Type Number are Used to Seperate Changes to the Specific Engine Models. The Changes May be in the Crankshaft, Carburetor, Oil Slinger, ect. I Suggest you Contact Jay Poole, who is a Technical Support Representive for True Power. The Number is 951-277-3180 ext 213. He May be Able to Assist you in Locating the Engine you are Seeking. I have Found that a Lot of these Sites will List the Most Called For Engines on their Web Page. They Usually have More that Are Not Listed because they are Not Called for as Often as the Ones they List Online. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck