QuestionQUESTION: I found that someone had asked a question that I'm asking as well. I'll just quote what the past person said "but not sure about the hydro. Noticed the filter underneath but not sure what oil to put in or where to put it. Nor how to check it."
I've check JD's web site and I can't find what is in the picture to be the same as on the tractor. I also talked with a local dealer, they didn't know.
Do you know if the other person found how to check and change the transmission oil?
ANSWER: Hello Jeff:
At the JD Site, Did you Look at the Hydro Transmission Pump Housing Breakdown/IPL(File # 1475)? I See a Filter(#21) and 2 Pipe Plugs(#7) that are Removed to Refill the Hydro. Plug(#23) is the Drain Plug. If this is Not the Breakdown/IPL; Give me a Few Examples of the Differences and I May Recognize the Differences and Get Us on the Right Track to Finding the Proper Breakdown/IPL. Look on the Transaxle for the OEM Plate, Please. If you Locate the OEM Plate; it will Have the Hydro's Model Numbers and Other Numbers that will Assist in Getting the Proper Breakdown/IPL also. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for your advice! I found the JD manual that you described (catalog 1475/ Grid:C13/Section page 62). Page Name: Transmission Pump Housing, Pump Shaft and Cylinder Block
I’m surprised that one would have to take off the seat rear fender and gas tank in order to fill the transmission. I guess folks don’t change the transmission very often and I hope it doesn’t leak? Or maybe I totally missed something?
Something that didn’t make sense to me was in Catalog 1475/ Grid C16 Section/ page 65. Page name: Transmission oil level sight tube and dipstick.
My tractor does not have a dipstick #’s 10-20?
Do you know how I keep track of the oil in the transmission?
The only model # I could find on the tractor was actually on the tran pump housing # 7030150. Below that # was also L8 F 120?
On the engine is Spec# 53180, Model # K532QS, Serial # 12054755
I don’t know if this is enough information to take this a little bit more?
Thanks again for your help.
ANSWER: Hello Again Jeff:
Thanks for the Information. The Hydrostatic and Hydromatic Transaxles/Transmissions are Not Customer Serviceable. Usually the OEM Suggest you Return the Unit to a Dealer for Servicing. This Includes Adding or Changing the Fluid and Filter. Remove the Valve (diagram Numbers 9, 10. 11 & 12). When the Oil Starts to Run Out the Valve Hole, Stop Filling with Oil. Replace the Valve and the Fill Plugs. I will Research these Numbers and Send a Follow Up to you if I Locate Anything that May be Useful to you. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Thanks for your response. I found the track model # C400: 193508 M.
There suggestion that it is not customer serviceable most mean they have special tools.
When you say to remove the valve (diagram Numbers 9,10. 11 & 12) do you mean from the john deere catalog web site? If so I could not find those diagrams.
Thanks again for your help!
Answer Hello Again Jeff:
As I said, The OEM's of the Hydro Transaxles and Transmissions, Don't Want Consumers to Service the Transaxles/Transmissions. I have Special Tools and Gauges for Hydro Repairs and 2 Mechanics that are Hydraulic Certified. Here are the Steps to the Diagram with the Valve. Go to this Addy and Enter the Model Numbers 400 and Click Search. The Select 1475 - Tractor Hydrostatic - 400. Then Select Sectional Index. Then Select Tractor - Hydrostatic 400 again. Then Select 62 - Transmission Pump Housing, Pump Shaft and Cylinder Block. Numbers 9, 10,11 &12 are shown in the Upper Right of the Diagram. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck