Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Mower wont start, switch jumper, jumper cable
QuestionMy mower will not start. Most of the time it will click, but the engine does not turn over. On occasion it will decide to start, but 90 percent of the time it will not.
Answer Hello Mark:
First Clean ALL the Connections from the Battery to the Starter. Clean the Ground Connection Also. Replace Any Wires that Look To have been Hot and the Insulation is Melted. I Suggest a Using Larger Diameter Battery Cable when Replacing the Cables. The Larger the Diameter, the Easier it is for the Starter to get the Proper Starting Amps from the Battery, the Less Trouble in Starting the Mower and the Starter will Last Longer. If After All the Connections are Clean and Bad Cables Replaced; you Still have this Problem, then Take a Jumper Cable Set and Place on the Mowers Battery. Attach the Ground to the Engine and FIRMLY Touch the Positive Cable to the Large Starter Post. If the Starter Doesn't Turn or Turn Slowly, then Replace the Starter. If the Starter Turns, then Firmly Touch the Small Post on the Base of the Solenoid(where the Wire from the Ignition Switch Connects). If the Starter Doesn't Turn, then Replace the Solenoid. If the Starter and Solenoid are Good, then the Click is the Interlock Relay. Without the Model Numbers I am Covering the Model that has the Interlock. If the Interlock is Clicking, then Jumper All the Safety Switches and Try to Start the Engine. If the Interlock Still Clicks, then the Interlock Relay is Bad. If the Engine Turns, then Remove 1 Safety Switch Jumper One at a Time and Reconnect it into the Harness and try to Start the Engine. When the Bad Switch is Located the Engine will Not Turn and the Interlock Relay will Click. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Supply the Model Numbers, Please. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck