Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere L110 year 2005 Kohler 17.5, blown head gasket, john deere l110
QuestionJohn, I ran my mower last week fine. This week would not start. Charged battery had no power, last week same thing but once charged started right up. It cranks but will not turnover. I replaced the spark plug, fuel filter, and replaced stale fuel with new gas. Charged Battery still wont crank. It tries but sputters and makes a loud back fire sounds like a shotgun going off then Black smoke comes out the front exhaust. It is frustrating me to no end. Its like a new mower, but wont start. I have the battery off and on a charger over night until I play with again in the morning. I have the manuel, and tried the troubleshooting and that lead me to changing fuel filter and spark plug, it has about 50 hours and 2 seasons of mowing, take good care of and change oil once per saeson. Do you have any adice to turn it over. I'm not mechinacally inclined but will get my hands dirty and try before getting a pro, I know I have only done it good and hopefully you can help with some tips to get it going!!
Answer Hello Andrew:
Pour a Small Amount of Gas (about 2 Table Spoons) Into the Carburetor Throat. Will the Engine Start and Quit? Is the Engine Turning Normally or Does it Turn then Almost Stop and then Turn Good Again? The Newer Engines (OHV) are having Valve Adjustment Problems and this May be the Cause here Also. A Blown Head Gasket will Cause this Also. You can View Breakdown/IPL of the Mower and Engine at this Addy and Enter the Model Numbers L110 and Click Find. Then Click on the Model in the Results Area. Then Select Sectional Index. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck