QuestionI have a lx 172 john deere, it started to not turn over periodically when I hit the start, this season it was really acting up, not engaging until I turned the key four or five times, now it does nothing, the batt light on the dash wont evan come on, newer batt cables, new batt, would it most likely be the ignition switch? all the wiring looks good.
AnswerMost likely there is a safety switch causing the problem. Starting at the key switch, follow the wiring harness to each connection. Dis-connect each one and then re-connect the connection. I have found some connections to corrode causing poor connections.
Also, check the fuse. You will find it when tracing the wire harness.
Have you dis-connected the battery cables and cleaned both the battery terminals and the cable ends with a wirebrush?
Let me know.