Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Fuel line / Primer line hookup Roybi, hook ups, trimer
QuestionI have a Roybi 31 CC trimer with a walbro WT-275 carb. I am trying to figure out where the gas lines and primer lines hook up on this trimmer.It has a inlet and return line on the fuel tank, inlet and outlet on the primer bulb, and two fuel hook ups on the carb itself. Thanks for your help in advance. A sketch would help me also.
Answer Hello Darryl:
Go to this Addy and Select the Service and Aftermarket Section. This will Open a New Window. Select Aftermarket Parts and Service. Then Select the Roybi. Then Select the Engine Type. Then Select the Carburetor. It is Half Way Down the Page Under Unspecified Engines. Now you should be Seeing a Breakdown/IPL of the Carburetor. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Thanks.
Good Luck