Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): B&S 10A902 Starting trouble, recoil starters, briggs and stratton
QuestionThe rope has tension and retracts, it just won't turn the engine! Everyone else seems to have no tension or no retraction. I looked at the assembly and flywheel, and nothing appears to be broken or worn. Any suggestions?
Answer Hello Ben:
There are 2 Types of Recoil Starters Listed for your Mower. Please go to this Addy and Select the B. Then Select Briggs and Stratton. Then Select Dont have Part Numbers. Then Select File # 13. Then Select the Folder 10A902. This will Download a Breakdown/IPL for you to View Online. The 1st Recoil Breakdown is on Page 7 of 16. In the Bob Numbered 66 is the Ball Bearing Starter Clutch. On Page 8 of 16 is the 2nd Style Recoil Starter. Which 1 is on your Engine, Please. Thanks.