Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere 265 with Kawasaki FC540V engine, cylinder head gasket, john deere 265

Hello Jeff, I'm out of things to try to get the Kawasaki FC540V single cylinder engine running on my 265 John Deere. My wife was mowing with it last Fall when she said it started making a strange noise and she headed for the garage with it. It has not run since.
Things that I checked are: oil is ok, has a strong spark and spark plug is ok,fuel pump is working ok and it is getting fuel to the cylinder, the valves are functioning properly, compression is ok, air filter is clean, there is no obvious leak at cylinder head gasket, there is no major blowby out of oil fill with engine cranking, the engine cranks quietly and fast with the spark plug removed,outside of engine is relatively clean with no major oil build-up or leaks.
It just does not even sound like it wants to start.
I sprayed some fuel into carb with engine cranking and did get some fire out of the carb. several times.
I am not familiar with the Kawasaki engine and I don't have a manual for it.
If you will direct me to what I should try next I would certainly appreciate it.

 Hello John:

 From your Description it Sounds like you have Gas, Compression and Fire. Therefore, You need to Check the Flywheel Key. The Flywheel Key Times the Spark Plug to Fire at the Proper Moment in the Compression Stroke. If the Key is Damaged the Plug Fires at the Wrong time and the Engine will Not Run. The Flywheel MUST be REMOVED to Check the Key. The Key will Look OK while the Flywheel is on the Engine, but May be Damaged and can Only be Viewed when the Flywheel is Removed. Check the Valve Clearance. You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Mower at this Addy Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Thanks.

 Good Luck



 Hello John:

 Hold Up on the Flywheel Key, Please. From the Comments in the Ratings I see you Did get the Engine Running for an Hour and then it Quit and Would Not Restart. Did it Restart when it Cooled? If Yes, then Replace the Ignitor. The Ignitor is Heating Up and Grounding. Then Cools and Will Fire Again. The Ignitor Stops the Getting Hot and Quiting, But if the Engine is Still Hard to Start or Doesn't Start, then Check the Key. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Thanks.

 Good Luck

