Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Switch, briggs and stratton, hp briggs
Question8 HP Briggs on a riding snapper. No fire. Engine will turn but no fire goes thru plug. I think perhaps my toggle
switch is wired wrong. How is the ignition activated?
What two wires need to contact. Please.
Answer Hello Don:
On Small Engines like yours the Coil is Grounded to Stop the Plug from Firing. There is NO VOLTAGE going to the Coil/Ignition Module. Remove the Shutoff Wire from the Coil and Turn the Engine. If Still No Fire, then Replace the Coil/Ignition Module. You can View a Breakdown/IPL of the Engine at this Addy and Select the B. Then Select Briggs and Stratton. Then Select Dont have Part Numbers. Now Scroll to the File you Want. The First 2 Numbers of the Model is the File you need. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Thanks.
Good Luck