Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman Blower, pldm, blower vac

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Bridgers Sr.,

I'm having problems with my Craftsman Blower/Vac, Model 358.797342

I've used it a couple of times during this past fall, however since then it has refused to start.  The blower/vac has actually started 1 time (much to my surprise) within this period of the last few weeks of it not starting.  It seemed to only work on "half choke" and started to die when placed on "run".  It sounded more loud and forceful on half choke than it usually does.  At times during the few minutes that it was working it would sound as if it were shifting in and out (in terms of pitch and force).  Though there was plenty of fuel, it finally quit on its own and has not started since.  I just tried again recently.  It sounded as if it wanted to start within the first couple of pulls but after that (judging by the sound) I could tell that it was not going to start.

It is only a few years old. My only previous problem was that gas leaked through the gas cap (the center of the cap, not the threaded area) and I've replaced that since. The pull cord seems a bit easier to pull than usual, and the noise while cranking sounds a bit more hollow and light (if that makes sense).  I have checked for spark after reading some previous answers here and I "do" have spark.  I've opened up as much as I could of the blower and tried to clean as much as possible with a cloth.  I have noticed on 2 occassions that the air filter cover and air filter were damp and smelled of gas or oil.  I do not see any signs of leaks in the primer tubes.

I would appreciate any advice, please.  Thank you for any information you may provide.


ANSWER:   Hello Shawn:

 It Sounds like the Exhaust Port, the Muffler or the Spark Arrestor Screen in the Muffler is Clogged with Carbon and Restricting the Exhaust. Remove the Muffler and Clean out the Exhaust Port and Muffler. Remove and Clean the Spark Arrestor from the Muffler. You can View a Breakdown of the Blower at this Addy and Click on the Lawn Equipment Box. Then Follow the Instructions to go to the Parts List/ Diagram Page. From this Page you can View a Breakdown/Diagram of this Blower/Vac. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Thanks.

 Good Luck



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Unfortunately I was never able to find the problem or fix my Craftsman Blower/Vac, Model 358.797342 despite trying to clean out those parts.  

I read that stale fuel could cause problems for small engines so for the heck of it I decided to empty the contents of the fuel tank.  I tipped the blower on its side over a jar and let the gas out.  I shook it a couple of times and heard a clank into the jar.  This is what came out of the jar.

According to the Sears parts diagram I believe it is the "assembly fuel pick-up".  I also think it attached to a fuel
line in the fuel tank.  I can see a line in the tank and it looks like the end is split along the side.  I'm not sure if this part had always been loose and that's why I've had problems with the blower or if I accidentally detached the
part when emptying the contents of the fuel tank and have therefore created an additional problem.

A brief summary from the previous exchange that I pasted below:  I had problems starting the blower.  It finally started on a couple of occasions but the power was erratic and the pitch of the motor would run high and low sporadically and finally the blower would stop on its own.  The majority of times when it did not start the pull string would seem looser than usual and the noise (perhaps muffler) on each pull seemed more hollow and lower than previously when the blower was working fine.

Any thoughts on if this detached fuel pick-up could have been the problem all along or do you think this detached fuel

pick-up is now an additional problem?

If you don't mind I would also be very interested in your recommendations on what to buy and look for in terms of Blowers and self-propelled Mowers.  

Thank you for your expertise,


QUESTION: Hi Mr. Bridgers Sr.,

I'm having problems with my Craftsman Blower/Vac, Model 358.797342

Hi Shawn:
That is the Fuel Filter and Pick Up. It is Attached to the Fuel Line in the Tank. The Split is from Age. Replace the Fuel Line and Fuel Filter/Pick Up.. Pull the Old Line Out of the Tank and Purchase a Line Long Enough to Go From the Tank Fill to the Carburetor. Insert the New Line Into the Tank through the Small Hole and Feed it Out the Tank Fill. Attach the Fuel Filter/Pickup and Pull the Line Back Into the Tank Until it is Resting On the Botton of the Tank; Nearest to the Fill. Cut and Attach the New Hose to the Carburetor. Hope this Helps. I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Thanks.

Good Luck

