Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 2003 Craftman with B&S 20HP Riding Lawn Tractor, penetrating oil, craftman
QuestionI just took my riding lawn tractor of storage (it had also been shipped on a moving truck half way accross the country) and replaced the battery and when I went to start it all that happened is the starter spun but would not engage the engine. I took the housing off and varified that when I turned it over the starter just spun and would not lift up and engage. I have two questions,
1. do you think the starter is bad?
2. if so how do I pull the starter?
AnswerNo I dont think its bad. sounds like the throw out gear is stuck form sitting for awhile. try lubricating the shaft just underneath the gear first with some penetrating oil like wd40. wiggle it around by hand and try to loosen it up. As far as pulling the starter you may have to remove more of the cowling to get to it