QuestionPlease tell me what electronic ignitionic kit will work and I will RUN to buy it!!
When the engine first began to miss I went to my B&S dealery to purchase the B&S magnetron conversion kit #394970. The dealer said it will NOT work on this engine because the flywheel polarity is not compatible with the electronic ignition. Lacking knowledge in this area I gave up on that idea and contacted allexperts for help. I do believe the points are my problem.
Thanks again and I sure hope this is the last time I trouble you on this.
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Engine is in excellent conditon,does not use a drop of oil. plug is champion J-8 gap is.030. I belive the carbon is a result of the miss fireing.It did not happen untill the miss started.
Thank you again,
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Carbon on plug is soft & will form in 4 to 5 min.of running engine.If I adjust carb. any leaner engine will stall.
I have a B&S service manual part #270962 on engine.
Thank you again,
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Reply to your questions.
1 Black
2 Replaced head gasket. Checked head to make sure it was not warped. Checked valves & removed carbon, torqued bolts to 190 ln lbs. Bolts did require torquing again after running engine. Head is aluminum engine cast iron.
3 Plunger is metal. Internal end is larger than bushing ID so plunger must be broken off bushing tapped & both pulled out with screw. Did NOT do this yet.
I have done a leak down test. 70 LB pressure applied 2nd gage reading 65lbs. This is less than10% leakage which I belive is acceptable, IS THIS CORRECT OR WRONG?
Thanks again,
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Eric,one last thing I forgot to mention before. I can put a new plug (.030) in run the engine 4 to 5 min. and the plug is covered with a soft fluffy carbon deposit. Carb. adjusted to keep engine running any leaner and it will stall.
Thanks again,Bill
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Eric,this miss is visble with a timing light inconsistent spark flash so I assume it to be an ignition problem. Am I wrong on this? Carbutor is new. Visual inspection of valves show them in good shape very little carbon no burning seating very well. Tapped clearence .009 intake .017 exhaust.Could this be a problem with the point plunger or flat on cam shaft? Plunger can only be removed by breaking off tapping bushing to pull both out with screw.
Thank you for your expert help!
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Have a 78 MTD GT with 16 hp B&S engine modle 326431 type 0228-01 code 7703281. Engine a very noticeable miss at medium &hi rpm visable with timing light. replaced plug,points,condenser & coil.Plug,points & magneto air gap all correct. Timing correct coil & engine stop wire good, not shorting out. Leak down test done only 5 PSI leakage at 70 PSI. What else can cause this miss?
Valve gap, maybe the carburetor. Your ignition timing may be correct, but if the valve gap is incorrect then your mechanical timing may be off.
Did the missing suddenly occur or has the unit sat for a while? Has a valve job ever been performed on the engine?
Let me know.
I have found wore plungers on other models but you should have a metal plunger. The metal do not wear much but as old as the engine is I would replace the plunger if you are sure the carb, valves and compression are fine.
Please let me know if a new plunger solves the problem.
Is the plug color black or a light grey ash? Have replaced head gasket and torqued the head bolts?
Do you have a metal point plunger? Does is show any signs of wear?
Is the 'black" on the spark plug dry or kind of soft? If it is dry then this could indicate a rich carburetor fuel mix.
The compression should be fine as you have tested it. As for the head bolts, they rarely stretch. I have not replaced head bolts.
Do you have a manual on this engine? Where did you get the timing specifications?
Sounds like the carbon maybe a sign of burning oil. What spark plug are you using and what is it gapped at?
Alternative idea: have you tried an electronic ignition kit. You can purchase an inexpensive electronic ignition kit at most autoparts stores for less than $25.00. At this point, it won't hurt to try.
Let me know what happens.
AnswerI was wondering about the polarity. Some of the cast iron cylinder engines have opposite polarity on the flywheel magnets. Since the Magnatron sits on the leading side of the coil it will not work. Rotary, Stens and Silver Streak sell a small kit that should work. I'll see if I can find a part number.