Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): ariens snowblower, carburator, screws

I couldn't get my snowblower started.  I have a spark, but I was playing with two set screws on carb and Ime sure I made it worse.  Is there a ballpark adjustment I could start with to get it to kick over?"  One screw on bottom, other on side of carb.  Ariens 824 model.

screw on bottom  is main fuel.   it should be   below the carb.   bowl.   that one is as follows.>>>  turn in lightly>  back it out 1 1/2 turns..    one on side is air. it should be same as mixture for starters.   after it is running,   you may tweak  air in a tad bit...    main fuel  should not be less then  1 1/2 turns out,   and no more then  2 turns out.   you will need to check  for best setting after it is running.
 if  everything is fine with getting fuel,  and carburator is working okay ,  no  dirt,  water, etc.  in bowl ,etc.   it will run.
good luck  bill,   i,ll be here tomarrow  if you need more help.   Monday  and tuesday???  i  may not be in .  good luck JD