Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman Lawn Tractor will not start with new battery., craftsman lawn tractor, starter shaft
I had all the signs of a dead battery in the LT1100, instaled a new one, and now a 'Whirrrr' sound is all that occurs, no engine activity at all. Starter bad? Thanks
Answer not knowing what engine or your sound???? i,d give you this advise. remove the cover off the top of starter where it engages flywheel when key is turned.
if it is not spinning i,d say you need to try a starter solinoid. and then possible starter. maybe it just needs lube on starter shaft and gear that engages into flywheel gear. it must move up and down freely and there needs to be a small spring on top of that starter drive. if your starter is fine, battery is fine, and everything else i mentioned is okay? then i,d say starter is shot.