Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Compression and ignition problems, amp alternator, whta

SNOWTHROWER, GAS - 536887752 (ENGINE) 7.5 HP Snow Intek OHV 3/4"x2 5/16" Shaft, Recoil & 110 Volt Electric Start, 3 Amp Alternator. I keep reading about "Putting Small Amounts Of Oil Into the Cylinder and Continue to Try and Start the Engine"....WHta is considered a small amount ? and also after doing this process- what do you do with the oil that has been put in sparkplug hole ? thanks

 Hello Jay:

 Adding a Small Amount of Oil to the Cylinder Creates a Better Seal for the Rings and Increases Compression. This will work if the Rings are Stuck. The Heat from the Compression and the Difference in the Pressure will Force the Rings to Move and Flex Properly. If the Rings are Frozen, this will have No Effect. Hope this Helps. Thanks.

 Good Luck

