Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Snowmobile bogging, polaris indy, foam filter

I have a 94 Polaris Indy 440 liquid cooled snowmobile and it runs excellent, except when I go into powder and snow starts getting in under the hood. It will start to bog down and then after getting out, after a few seconds of running on low 1/2 throttle it will clear up until the next time snow gets kicked up. Unfortunately, when you are 1/2 way up a steep hill, you cannot slow down to and still make it up. They are Mikuni carbs. There is a foam over the intake of the airbox to keep snow from going directly into the carb. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

 Hello Fred:

 Is the Engine Running Like it is Flooding? If yes, then you need to Take Make a Deflector for the Air-box Foam Filter. I have had Several Different Snowmobiles that had the Same Problem and the Snow was Clogging the Foam and Choking the Engine Until the Engine Heat Melted the Snow and then it would Clear Up and Run Fine. This Solution took Several Months of Research to Locate. I'm not saying this is the Cause, Only it could be. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Thanks.

 Good Luck

