Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): riding mower dies when engaging blades, merry christmas and happy new year, seat safety
QuestionHave John Deere RX75 rear engine riding mower. Had been setting outside for a long time. Cleaned out carb and got engine running. Now when I put in gear or try to engage the blades the engine dies. when it dies, it sounds like the ignition has been turned off. The seat safety switch is missing so I jumpered a wire form one side of the plug to the other. I assume the nuetral safety switch is ok since it will only start when it is in neutral. What do I check next?
Answer Hello John:
Check the Connectors at the Seat Safety Switch. The Problem you Described is the Seat Safety. Strip the Wires if Required a Short Distance Back from the Connectors and Twist them Together. Corrosion May be a Factor here. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks. Be Safe.
Good Luck
PS: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (:-))