Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): single cylender engine recoil, aluminum disc, eager 1

This is a four cycle engine putm out by Craftsman. The make is Eager-1.It's solid state ignition. I hope this helps.  JOE
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After aquiring a mower and trying to start, the engine reverses it's direction on the first pull and jerks the starting rope out of my hands. There is no adjustment on the coil and the magnet is attached to an aluminum disc ,which is not the conventional flywheel as we know it.   Problem?
i am  sorry  ,  but without more imfo  here, i can only give you  idea,s.  it maybe out of timing, (not firing to plug at right time).
it may also be loaded up with fuel. check plug, and carb. to see if its firing right,  and fuel flow normal. remove plug, spin over a few times to dry out cyclinder,  and retry to start.  is it a 2 cycle ?  or 4 cycle engine?  it sounding to me to be a 2 cycle, and the mag you are speaking of, advances timing as it runs. much like the older lawnboy mowers.  hope this helps,  and if you need more imfo,  try and get me more clues to what you are working on and i,ll see if i can help you more.

okay  now i got you.  that coil on that disk you speak of, it has 2 bolts which hold it down.  those holes are sloted some.  the bolts should be in center of slots and then tightened up.
from trying to start it may be fuel locked some. on these there really wasnt any adjustment on carb.  make sure plug is cleaned and gap to be at .o30,  the recoil needs to be loose as meaning, the clutches must release it so it can recoil back into housing. once running, it should pan out if carb.  is working okay.  if you can,t get it running , i,d say you have an inturnal carb. problem  and these were tricky > i say as in  i have had to just plain throw them off and get a new.