QuestionI have a brand new 2 cycle generator 1200, once it starts it runs great, if it hasn't been started in several hrs it can take up to 50 pulls before it starts, if the engine is somewhat warm it will fire right back up, if you run it out of fuel it can take as many as 150 pulls before it will start.
Any ideas?
It does not have a priming bulb, it does have a choke.
A friend said to spray a mist of starting fluid into it.
I have about had it with the 2 cycle, please help
Answeri have saw a gas cap that you can buy at your lawn and garden center >or bigger hardware stores, that has a pressure primer blub build right in pressurises fuel to carb. much like the rest for easier starting.
another idea is to drill a small hole in air cleaner cover, so you can give it a shot of fuel or starting aid. many 2 cycle engines much like macCulloch were very hard starting without a primer blub. hope this gives you some idea,s.
Glad it worked out dan. good luck, but don,t use too much starting aide