Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): New leaf blower wont start, echo trimmers, echo pb

Thank you so much. I'm pretty sure I mixed the oil correctly  (been doing this for years with other 2-cycle motors). The same mix works well in other 2-cycle motors I have.

Guess I'll have to return it. Nuts.

Thanks again!

The text above is a follow-up to ...

Just purchased a new 2-cycle Echo PB-413 leaf blower, and have been trying for almost 2 days to get it to start. Put new gas in (with 2 cycle oil). Primed, set to idle. Choke closed. Turns over, but won't catch. On the rare occasion when it does start, it idle very poorly, spitting out white smoke of the muffler. Adjusted the cold start mixture screw all kinds of ways, but doesn't seem to make a difference. What else should I try? (The dealer is 40 miles from here, and I'd like not to return it if possible - this was the last one on the shelf). Thanks!

 Hello Glenn:

 Check the Fuel Mix. The White Smoke is a Sign of Too Much Oil. Make Sure you Mixed the Gas to Oil Properly. If the Fuel is Mixed Properly, then My Suggestion is to Return the Blower. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck



 Hello Glenn:

 That is what I was Thinking. Sorry. You will be Better Off and Happier with a Different Blower. Always Start Equipment Before Leaving the Store When Possible. The Carburetor Needle is Most likely Sticking Open and Flooding the Engine causing the Smoke. Thanks for the E-Mail Update. May All your Mechanical Problems be SMALL ONES and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Till Next Time.

 Best Wishes and Good Luck



 Hello Again Glenn:

 Thanks for the Comments. I Use the Echo Trimmers and Poulan Trimmers. The Only Blowers I have Ever Used are Echo. I have Several Number 1 OEM's and Echo is Definitely 1 of them. I did Learn that If a Echo Blower Gives a Problem Within 2 Weeks of Purchase; Return it. :-) I can't Explain it but it has Never Failed Me. LoL. Thanks Again. May all your Mechanical Problems be SMALL ONES and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Till Next Time.

 Best Wishes and Good Luck

