Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman 5/22 snowblower, exact model, lawn equipment
QuestionI just picked up a Craftsman 5/22 snowblower for cheap $$$. It is #536.886540 code#327205913. I have found the "536" designates it as being made by Murray. I have been to a couple sites that have "empart" parts listing, but have not been able to find this exact model under Murray. How are the Craftsman numbers coded? I would like to know what year this is.
Answer Hello Jerry:
You can View a Breakdown/IPL at this Addy and Select the Lawn Equipment Box. Then Enter the Model Numbers 536.886540 and Click Continue. Verify the Equipment and Click Continue. From this Page you can View a Breakdown/Diagram or a Parts List. The Year of Manufacture is 1994. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Thanks.
Good Luck