Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 10 hp tecumseh compression, overhead valve engine, recoil starter
QuestionHi John
I have a 10 hp tecumseh snow blower HMS100 159280T. Symptom loss of power however idles perfectly. No oil smoke when running or blow by apparent. I wish to eliminate low compression as a possible cause of my problem. What is the step by step procedure for doing a compression test on this engine? This is not an overhead valve engine.
Answer Hello Rick:
If you have a Compression Gauge, then Remove the Spark Plug and Simply Check the Compression. Pull the Recoil Starter and Turn the Engine 3 or 4 Times and Record the Compression Reading. I Looked at the Breakdown/IPL and Did Not Notice a Compression Release on the Cam, so this Procedure is Fairly Standard. Hope this helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck