Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Gas Leak, chipper shredder vacuum, briggs and stratton
QuestionI have a chipper/shredder/vacuum that has not been used for 2 years. This year when I put gas in the gas tank, the gas leaked out from the air filter. This happened before I even tried to start it. The engine is a Briggs and Stratton model 12h802. Type 177781 and code 00090156. The Chipper is a MTD Model number 24A-020d000. I have checked the float and do not see any holes and there was not any gas in the float.
Answer Hello Bob:
The Carburetor Float Needle is Not Seating Properly and Allowing the Carburetor to Flood. You can View a Breakdown of the Engine and Carburetor at this Addy and Click on the B. Then Select Briggs and Stratton. Then Select Don't have Part Numbers. Then Select File # 12. Then Scroll Down to the Folder Number 12H800 and Click. This will Download a Breakdown/IPL of this Engine. Soak the Carburetor Overnight in Gunk Carburetor Cleaner and then Blow out the Passages with Compressed Air and Install New Kit. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck