Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 5HP briggs and stratton wont start, briggs and stratton, spray cleaners

G'day John, my model 130902, type 1175-01, code 89021327 wont start.  It started as normal and a new noise began.  I turned out to be a loose top cover rubbing on the fan/magneto setup.  I began mowing as normal when the engine began to labour and just stopped.  I checked the plug and found that the spark was shorting between the ceramic and the electrode....replaced the plug.  Still wouldn't start. sounded a bit like no fuel although tank was full, so i removed the air cleaner and tipped some fuel down the throat.  Still wont start.  Kept pulling and began to fire a bit.  just a put put each stroke.  Removed plug and fuel on it.  Checked compression and ok.  Removed carby and manifold. Stroked engine and valve moving ok.  Stripped carby as far as possible and cleaned using carby cleaner.  Removed needle and jet and checked for no blockages.  all looked ok and no blockages, so reassembled in reverse order.  Reinstalled same and tried to start....still no good.  Tipped some fuel down throat and same result as before.  I am at my wits end with this engine. Any advise will be well received.  Thanks Mick.

 Hello Michael:

 I Don't like the Spray Cleaners for Cleaning Carburetors. They Usually Cause more Problems than they Solve. The Gas Forms a Varnish and the Spray Cleaners just Loosen the Varnish. Soaking Overnight in Gunk Carburetor Cleaner is the Only Way to Ensure the Carburetor isn't Still the Cause of your Problem. However, if you Think the Carburetor is Clean, then Check the Flywheel Key. If the Engine is Getting Gas and has Good Compression, then the Only thing Left is the Firing of the Plug. The Plug Firing is Timed by the Flywheel Key. The Flywheel Must be Removed to Properly Check the Key. You will need a Steering Wheel Puller to remove the Flywheel. After you Attach the Puller to the Flywheel, Tighten and then Hit the Puller and Jar the Puller. The Flywheel will Pop Up when it Comes Loose. You can View a breakdown/IPL of this Engine at this Addy and Click on the B. Then Select Briggs and Stratton. Then Select Don't have Part Numbers. Then Select the File # 13. Then Select Folder # 130900. This will Download the Breakdown/IPL for you to View Online. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck



 Hello Michael:

 I was just reading some of the Comments and Wanted to say Thanks. The Flywheel is Held by the Fit. The Key is used to time the Plug to Fire in Relation to the Piston on Compression Stroke. The Key is Really a Timing Key, but Isn't Called Such. Thanks for the Great Comments. May All your Mechanical Problems be SMALL ONES and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Till Next Time.

 Best Wishes and Good Luck

