Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Ignition by magneto, e mail address, mail addy


I am using the engine for my light hovercraft. Please assist.

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Actually, I do not know anywhere else to look for assistance regarding my problem. Maybe we should treat this as a general question.
I am trying to wire-up a twin ignition Ducati magneto for a Rotax engine to get it to start. My effort was fruitless as I couldn't get sparks at the spark plugs. The next thing I would want to do is to sort out the charging system through the regulator. Can you help, perhaps on the principles of the magneto system? I have a circuit diagram but it appears very confusing. I can send it to you if I can get your e-mail address.
 Hello Yahaya:

 The Diagram will save me some Time. Send it to [email protected], Please. I use this Addy to Send and Receive Pictures and Diagrams Only. I Check this E-mail every day. I think I know the Ignition System you are Asking about but would like to be Sure before I Give Instructions. Thanks.



 Hello Yahaya:

 I Received you Diagram. I Must Ask What this Engine is Used on. Due to FAA Regulations; I cannot Assist Anyone with a Rotax Repair since I Allowed My Certification to Lapse. I had Forgotten that the FAA Regulates these Engines and the Repair of these Engines if they are for Aircraft Use. You May be Able to get Assistance from this E-mail Addy [email protected]. Hope this Helps.

 Good Luck



 Hello Yahaya:

 I will Contact a Friend of Mine that Still has the Certification and will have him Use my PC to Assist you. This will Keep me Out of Legal Trouble with the FAA. He will Respond to you by 10-24-06. Hope this will Help. Sorry about the Legalities of this. Thanks.

