Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Desperate need for advice on an air cooled 2-stroke engine, attex atv, stroke engine

Hi again John,

The points are new and should all be set correctly as this was done by a mechanic.

Any other thoughts?

Thanks again.

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Hi again John,

Thanks so much for getting back to me.

The engine is an air cooled engine out of a snowmobile. It is a 2-stroke and the capacity is 484cc.

I don't think the exhaust is the problem... I am pretty sure the "POP-POP" noise is coming from the carburettor. I noticed the ocasional "POP" out of the carb on idle also.

What does "POPPING" from the carb mean?

The engine has not had a whole lot of use as far as I can tell.

Loosing power under load happens too. This happens after about 20 minutes driving, but this last time it happened after 5 minutes driving.

This really has me beat...

Thanks again,

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Hi John,

We have an Attex ATV with the G50B Chapparral engine (484cc). For some time now, it has been rather un-reliable. The engine has been bench tested, new points, serviced and timed by a 2-stroke mechanic. Just the other day I had an issue with it flooding, not wanting to start. Took carby off and checked it over and put it back (didn't really do anything, so maybe the floats or needle was stuck?). It then started, but idle was really low and just wanted to die if I took my hand off the throttle. I ended up getting it to idle a bit better and took it for a run down the road. Poping was coming out of the carb and it was missing as well as laboring under load. I gave up and put it away... My dad thinks it is a connection near the coil... I guess this makes sense when spark on one of the cylinders drops out at times... We plan to check connections and solder it up.

In the past, we have had it act up after about 1/2 an hour of driving. When I say act up, it starts to "pop" (through the carburetor I believe) and the engine starts to lack power and when you give it more throttle, it can "pop" even more. I am pretty sure it is a "pop" through the carb as I also had it backfire through the exhaust only once and that was like a gun shot with a "bang". We ended up relocating the coils and condensers from the original place and placed them away from the engine. Our reason for this was we believed these items were getting way too hot in that little compartment. I haven't had the chance to really take it for a good long run to see if this has worked or not. We took it along a beach for a few miles where the sand was really soft and the engine really worked hard. On that occasion, it all worked fine.

I am desperate to get the Attex running in a reliable state and thought I would drop you a line to get your opinion. We cover long distances and reliability is very important as you can imagine (ha, ha - nervous laugh)

 Hello Steve:

 I cant Locate a Breakdown/IPL for this Engine. However, From your Description; If this is a 2-cycle Engine, Check the Exhaust Port for Blockage and Check the Muffler Also. 2-cycle Engine Carbon Up the Exhaust Port and Cause the Problem you Described. If this is a 4-cycle Engine, then the Valve Lash May Require Adjusting. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck


 Hello Steve:

 Improper Point Set Gap, A Bad Condenser or a Damaged Flywheel Key will Cause the Popping Back you Described on 2-cycle Engines. If the Point Set is Sticking the Same Problem will Occur. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck



 Hello Steve:

 Sorry I Forgot to Mention a Coil Breaking Down will cause this Problem. Most Good Repair Shops will have a Means of Testing the Coils. New Points Don't mean Good Points. I have had to Replace a Many Point Set that were Installed New Because of Bad Point Set Contacts and Bad Condensers.  Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Thanks.

 Good Luck

