Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): B&S 42A707 loses rpm & power, soleniod, mechanical governor
QuestionMy B&S Twin II 18hp engine loses power anytine I drive over rough terrian, hit a bump or when mowing on an incline. If I stop the mower, the engine gradually recovers rpms. It doesn't produce any add'l exhaust smoke when this occurs. The problem is also more pronounced depending on whether the left side is on the downslope vs. when the right side is on the downslope of an incline.
Could this be a problem w/ the mechanical governor gear? Or Carburetion issue(fyi: exhaust manifold gasket need replacements)?
A couple years ago I had to replace crankcase gasket. If I'd not correctly re-installed the governor assembly - could that be causing this symptom?
Answer Hello Dan:
Check the Float Level in the Carburator. Does this Carburator have a Fuel Control Soleniod? If Yes, then the Soleniod can Cause this Problem. The Governor would be a Problem All the Time, Not just on Slopes. Its a Float Thing. Not Enough Gas in Carburator Bowl and When the Engine is Tilted the Jet Cant Pick Up the Gas. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck