Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): briggs and stratton engine timing, briggs and stratton, engine governor

I have b&s vanguard engine model 351447 type0180 code 94091511 and replaced the crankcase gasket.When I took the cover off the gear came off the camshaft and I dont know if the crank was accidentally turned before replacing the cam gear.The engine will not start.How can I make sure the cam and crank gears are lined up? Are there marks on both of them?  Thanks!

 Hello Gary:

 You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Engine at this Addy and Click on the B. Then Select Briggs and Stratton. Then Select Dont have Part Numbers. Then Select File # 35. Then Select Folder # 351400. The Gear that came Off the Cam was the Engine Governor. There are Marks on the Cam and Crankshaft that Must be Matched in Order for the Engine to be in Time. The Timing for the Plug is Set with the Flywheel Key. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck

