Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Replacement of a Snow King 5 HP engine, wooden dowel, yard machine snow blower

Hello there. I found a 2001 model Yard Machine snow blower on the curb the other day. It was in really decent shape exept the motor wouldn't turn over, not even with a little coersion. Apparently someone before me tried too and broke one of the fins off of the flywheel.

I disassembled the head and saw very little scoring and could still see the cross hatching in the cylinder wall. There is a few score marks on the lower end on one side (Rear on same side as the crankshaft) but very little discernable wear. I would guess this engine only ran a few times. The oil is reasonably clear and full.

When I tried to turn the engine with prybar with some force, it only moved the flywheel 1/8" or less. The piston didn't seem to move at all. I then tried to move the piston by hitting a wooden dowel with a mallet and the piston actually moved slightly. After that, I tried moving the flywheel again with the same results.

It turns out this Yard Machine (by MTD) engine is a fairly unique but popular engine. It has a special crank and a PTO from the camshaft. I've tried to find an engine to replace it but they are fairly expensive.

I'd like to figure out what I should do with this engine. Should I waste my time trying to fix it or just buy a new engine. I'd like to spend as little on this project as I can.

What's your take?

- Todd

 Hello Todd:

 Anytime there is ANY SCORING of the CYLINDER and that Appears to be the Only Damage, Then Replace the Short Block. This is the Best and Inexpensive Way to Correctly Perform this Repair. It Sounds like the Engine May have had a Bad Piston. It is Rare, but from the Description of the Scoring Being at the Lower End and on One Side, means the Piston was Rocking in the Cylinder. You can Price a Short Block at this Addy and Follow the Direction to Locate the Part Number for the Short Block. Then you can get the Price Online. You can Also call Michelle @ 250-669-2500 and She will Assist you with Any Questions you May have. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck

