QuestionI had a simular problem which i found this suggestion you left for someone else.. I removed the ground wire and it continued to run for a few secs and shut off. I replaced the ignition coil earlier today, any idea what this could be?
heres your earlier comment.
Dis-connect the ground wire from the coil and test for spark. The ground wire is the small wire connected to the coil.
IF the engine starts you will not be able to shut it off with the ground wire dis-connected. Check for spark with the spark plug removed from the head. The plug will have to touch the metal engine in order to check for spark.
Let me know what you find.
AnswerWas the orginal problem that the engine would start but not run?
If so, the carburetor is most likely the culprit.
Did you replace the spark plug?
So, you did not have any spark with the ground wire dis-connected on the old ignition coil. Is this correct?
Let me know.