Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Leaf Blower starts but cuts out Craftsman 205HP, weed trimmer, head gasket

Greetings Curt,
THANKS for responding.  (My email is [email protected] if you prefer a more verbose, non-forum correspondence.)
> have you been using the blower prior to the white smoke?
actually, it's my neighbors - we borrowed it - I used it 3 weeks ago - ran for over 45 minutes no problem.  (He borrows our weed trimmer and we borrow his leaf blower but this experience has changed my mind about the borrow thing!)  Anyway he said the weed trimmer is ironically also experiencing massive white smoke issues - but it still runs, unlike the leaf blower which conks out after 15 seconds.  The weed trimmer we bought at a tag sale and has worked fine in the past.

BUT, I now have learned from my roomate that she used the leaf blower also and it was fine AND THEN it ran out of fuel - she refueled with the proper 2cycle fuel (oil/gas) but she said it was from the old container in the basement.  Immediately I think old gummy fuel - clogged carb - especially since this behavior happened immediately after the refuel.  I used this leaf blower 2 weeks ago and I used it for over 45 minutes - no problems - now it won't stay running for more than 15 seconds.

> most of the time it is from not mixing the right amount of oil with the gas!
Maybe the ratio was fine but over time it degraded and then the oil/gas ratio (gas evaporation or something) left us with an improper ratio AND old gummy gas?

> It is possible that it is the spark plug but it sounds like the head gasket!
I thought after it starts the spark plug is out of the picture?  Like I said, it starts fine time and time again, but it will not stay running for more than 10-15 secconds.  

If it is the head gasket, do I need to replace the leaf blower entirely?  Or is this a small part I can have the local store fix?

If it's a clogged carb, do you know how I access it and then clean / rebuild it?

Thanks for your help Curt!
- Kathy

Followup To

Question -
Hi!  I have a 2003 Craftsman 205 HP, Model 358-797342 leaf blower.  After many pulls, it does start and does run for about 10-15 seconds (while blowing white smoke) but then it cuts out....every single time.  I cannot get it to stay running.  If it starts it's not my sparkplug right?  I know SOMETHING is clogged - just don't know what/where.  I tried taking cover off carb. but didn't see any adjustments - it seem like one molded piece.  Any guidance would be great!  Thank You!
- Kathy

Answer -
Hi, white smoke is not a good sign!! It sounds like the head gasket is leaking! have you been using the blower prior to the white smoke? or did you just get it? Is it new or used? most of the time it is from not mixing the right amount of oil with the gas! It is possible that it is the spark plug but it sounds like the head gasket!
Give me a little more info & we will see what we can do!!

Hi, Kathy

    What I would try first is draining all the old gas out & take the spark plug out and check to see how foulled up the plug is! Clean the spark plug with a little wire brush & spray a little carb cleaner on it! Put the spark plug back in and refuel the blower with some fresh gas! If you take the air filter if you can see the carb, spray a squirt of starting fluid in it! Not to much just a squirt! try starting with the air filter off. If it starts to stall again spray a little more to keep it going & see if that take care of the problem! If it is the head Gasket Yes your local repair shop can fix it! But being That it shuts down I think it might be a fuel problem! Also Make sure that the air filter is not plugged up! Let me know what happens & we will go from there!
Curt Worth
Sanford FL