QuestionOk, so I took apart the carb and unscrewed all of the ports and cleaned them out with pipe cleaners and carb cleaner. I also replaced the fuel filter.
Now it will start fine, Run at a real high RPM and any time i throttle it down it sputters and dies. I don't know if I somehow messed up the throttle cable. The throttle selector goes from stop to medium to high and then choke. It will only run under choke, but it doesn't actually seem to be choking the engine.
I also was unsure about how to insert the screws back into the ports (I am talking about tightness, not how screws operate).
Followup To
Question -
My Aunt gave me a Honda lawnmower. The model number on the body is SXM and on the motor there is an HR21. I don't know what these mean. She got this in the late 80's or early 90's.
Anyhow, she hasn't run the mower for approx 5 years. She drained the gas by running the motor until it died. And then turned the gas line off.
When I got it, the first thing I did was put new gas in it. It started with a few pulls. But the motor rand constatly while choked, but once I took the choke off it died. So I let it run for about 10 min. choked and then put it into high. It stayed running, but the rpm's kept going up and down.
So I changed the spark plug, cleaned the air filter, drained and refilled the motor oil and took off the bowl at the base of the carbeurator and sprayed cleaner in it and on the stick hanging down.
Once started, it did the same thing. Once i engaged the blades it automatically dies.
If your suggestion is to take apart the carbeurator and clean it more in depth, please refer me to a reference manual and the items i would need (do they sell kits for this) to do the task. My brother has the same mower in VA (got it from Grandma) and he said he spent $200 to get running. He is not mechanically inclined and fiddling around with this stuff is my hobby.
Thank you for your time.
Answer -
Hello Chuck:
Go to this Addy and you can see the Model Numbers you want Off of the Engine. You need the Model and Engine Type to get the Breakdown you Require. From your Description the Carburator needs to be Cleaned and Rebuilt. Hope this Helps. I am here to Help if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.
Good Luck
Answer Hello Chuck:
The Screws that are Air Mixture Screws(they have springs around the threads and Screw into the Carburator. Turn Both Air Mixture Screws Clockwise Until Seated. **SNUG DO NOT JAM** Then Turn Both Counter Clockwise 1 1/2 Turns and Start the Engine. With the Engine at Full Throtle, Set the High Air Mixture Screw(in the Bowl or the 1 nearest the Engine if the are inline) so the Engine Revs Properly. Override the Governor Arm and Rev the Engine by Hand. You can Hear the Engine Level Out when Adjusted Properly. Set the Low Air Mixture Screw so there is No Hesitation when Going from Idle to Full Throttle. Then Set the Engine Idle. If this Isnt Correct for your Engine, then Send me the Model Numbers and Type Letters so I can Locate a Breakdown and Better Assist you. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.
Good Luck