Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere 68 rider - no spark, john deeere, number 68

I recently inherited an old rider, John Deeere 68 and when it was given to me I was told it ran.  I do not get spark when turning it over. Please advise me on what to check. ie. voltages. etc.. thanks.

 Hello Rich:

 This Engine has a Point Set under the Flywheel. Go to this Addy and Enter the Model Number(68). Then Click on the Model Number in the Results Area. Then Click on Sectional View. Then Click the Folder 65, 66 and 69 Riding Mowers. Now Scroll Down to the Breaker Points, Condensor, Magneto, Stator and Flywheel File. Click on this. You can See the Point Set in this Diagram. The Gap on for the Contacts of the Point Set is .020in. Set the Crankshaft Lobe so the Lobe is Holding the Point Set Open when you Set the Gap. If the Flywheel Key is Damaged, Replace it. If you need Instructions on Removing the Flywheel, let me know. The Only Safety Switch that this Mower has is the Neutral Saftey. Jumper this Safety First. If Still No Spark, then Replace the Points Set. Hope this Helps. I am here to help if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.

 Good Luck

