Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere 68 Riding Mower, piston rings, crankcase
It's me again, the guy with the JD 116. Only this time I'm working on a JD 68 riding mower. It starts well but I can't get it to run smoothly for very long at a time. It uses a great deal of oil and seems to be getting oil into the air cleaner. Could this be caused by faulty piston rings?
The engine is a B & S model 191702, type 5632-01, code 80080411.
By the way, the 116 seems to be running great after replacing the stator.
Answer Hello Again Tim:
Great!! Im glad the 116 is Doing Good. On this 168, Clean the Crankcase Vent First. If the Oil Problem Clears Up, then the Vent was the Problem. If Not, then Most Likely the Rings are Worn and Allowing to Much Compression Into the Crankcase and Causing the Problem you Described. Check the Compression when the Engine is Cold and Again when it is Warm/Hot. This will Tell a Lot about the Condition of the Rings. You can View this Engine at the Addy I Gave you Last Time we Spoke about the 116. Hope this Helps. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.
Good Luck