Excellent advice!
Today I did what you indicated and the tractor started right away. You saved me from purchasing a $150 starter.
Now I need to get the solenoid...
I was very pleased to try this and get it working, and how lucky we are to have people like you solving our everyday problems.
Thank you very much for your help.
Followup To
Question -
A couple of days ago my tractor had trouble starting. I will hear a clicking noise and after a few tries it would start. It did that a few times and now it just clicks but will not start.
I though it was the battery, so I tried to jump start it but that did not help.
How do I check if the problem is the solenoid or the starter?
Answer -
Hello Willie:
Take a Jumper Cable Set and Using One Lead Only, Connect One End to the Jumper Cable to the Positive Post of the Battery. Take the Other End and FIRMLY Touch the Large Post on the Starter. **DONT HOLD THE JUMPER END TO THE STARTER FOR MORE THAN 10 SECONDS IF THE STARTER DOESNT TURN** If the Starter Turns the Engine Properly, then the Soleniod is Bad. If the Starter Doesnt Turn or Turns Slowly, the Starter May be Dragging. I am Here if you Require more Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me knopw what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.
Good Luck
Answer Hello Willie:
Great!! Thats what Im here for. I Hope to Help Save all the Questioners Money. Happy Mowing. Thanks for the Email Update. May all your Mechanicam Problems be SMALL ONES. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours.
Best Wishes
Very Good Luck