Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere LT155 electrical, john deere lt155 lawn tractor, jd dealer

"I have a John Deere LT155 lawn tractor with Kohler engine
(model CV155).  While mowing, the entire wiring harness burned
up.  Much of the insulation melted from the wires, even the
ground wires.  I suspect that something shorted, possibly due to
mice chewing on the insulation.  Before ordering a new wiring
harness I wanted to check if anything else might have gone bad,
or if some defective electrical component was the root cause of
the wiring burning up.  By using an ohm meter I see that on the
rectifier/regulator mounted on the side of the engine, one of the
outside  terminals (marked AC) is
shorted to the middle (B+) terminal.  The normally connected
wires to this rectifier are disconnected when making this
measurement.  Is it normal to have these two terminal shorted ?

There may be a diode or transistor between the two pins.

If the harness shorted that bad I would replace everything.  Key switch, wire harness, battery, battery cables.

I would not suspect any of the safety switches unless there are some special ones.  Most of the safety switches should be basic open/close switches but you might want to check with you local JD dealer.  We don't get a lot of JD riders in the shop.

Finally, I would remove the flywheel and check the stator and magnets in the flywheel.

The repair will be quite expensive. You may want to look for a donor/junk mower for parts.
Let me know if this helps.